Birth Better Classes

Physical Preparation for Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond
Are you:
- A first time mom?
- Interested in natural childbirth?
- Planning a VBAC?
- Looking to prepare your pelvis and body for birth?
Do you want the skills you need to build a better birth?
Get to know your individual pelvic anatomy and learn how to stay strong safely during pregnancy. Discover all the details you need to prepare your body for birth, including tools for the spine and pelvis and how to protect the pelvic floor. Learn the best birth positions and how to push, as well as methods for natural pain relief. Gain real hands-on experience in the way of tricks and comfort techniques for yourself and your birthing partner/team. You CAN do this!
Prioritize your health and prepare yourself for the amazing journey into motherhood!
Read below to learn about the various options for Birth Better classes!
Birth Better Class Options
Online Birth Better classes are perfect for the modern mom! Offered in the comfort of your own home (or wherever you want!), this course conveniently works to suit your schedule. Much like the other course offerings, it is set up in a series of 4 lessons. Each lesson is taught by video, and all course lecture videos are then supplemented with lots of instructional teaching videos for you to learn and practice from.
The cost of the online series is only $99!
Group Classes
Birth Better Classes are now being offered as one 5-hr session. The class will cover everything you wanted to know about how to protect the pelvic floor, as well as details about birthing positions, how to push, and natural forms of pain relief. Partners are invited to learn hands-on skills, and lots of tools and tricks to help a birthing mama. Small class sizes allow for lots of hands-on practice time and offer a great opportunity for feedback.
The cost of the group session is $150 and includes online access as well.
There is an upcoming workshop session on April 8, 2018 (each class runs from 12:30pm-5:30pm at the Lucina Centre).
Click the button below to register. If you have any questions, please contact Mandy
1-On-1 Sessions
Birth Better Classes can also be offered as a series of 1-on-1 sessions for both mom and her partner. Much like the group classes, 1-2 sessions are spent individually with mom, and then there are another 1-2 follow-up visits that include your birth partner. Private sessions provide a wonderful opportunity for lots of specific feedback, and individualized tips for your body. They also have the added benefit of being covered as physiotherapy by most benefit plans. Standard physiotherapy rates apply.
Unfortunately, 1-on-1 birth sessions will NOT be available while Mandy is on maternity leave. If you would like to stay up-to-date on when we are offering them again, or if you have questions, contact Mandy.
- No upcoming events